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3 WhatsApp Tricks to Make Your Chatting Easier Than Before

Who doesn’t use WhatsApp nowadays? Probably all smartphone users use this messenger to connect with their peers. This makes a whole lost of contacts in your list to who you can chat with on WhatsApp. Because of this, sometimes it becomes tough to find the contact or specific chat among all the contacts. Here, we are telling you three such WhatsApp tricks that will make your chatting easier than before.

WhatsApp tricks

Create chat shortcuts

Are there some special people in your contact list whom you talk to most of the time via WhatsApp? Well, you can create chat shortcuts for those specific contacts that will make it easier to access their chat any time on your home screen.

How to create a chat shortcut on Android:

Go to that contact’s chat and tap on the three-dot menu. Now, tap on More > Add Shortcut.  Or you can directly press and hold that individual chat, and tap on Add Chat Shortcut.

Starred messages

Sometimes we get some important messages on WhatsApp. So, you can bookmark those messages and find them easily anytime in the Starred Messages section.

How to bookmark message:

Go to a specific chat and hold down on that specific message, which you want to bookmark, now hold down and tap on Star.

To find that message, tap on the three-dot menu on the chats page and tap on Starred messages. 

Also Read: How to Use Same WhatsApp Number on Multiple Devices

Pin chat to the top

If you forget to reply to some people’s messages, you can pin their chat at the top of your chat list. So it will appear at the top of all your chats, even above new and unread chats. You can pin up to three chats on top of your page.

Pin Chat on iOS:

Go to chats and swipe left to right, now select Pin Chat.

Pin Chat on Android:

Long press on any chat and press the pin icon at the top of the screen.

So, these were some tricks using which you can make your chatting easier. Tell us in comments how you found these tricks useful. Also, don’t forget to follow us on social media for more such tricks.

Also Read: How to Make WhatsApp Group Call to More Than Four People

Satyendra Pal Singh

Satyendra Pal Singh

Satyendra explores the latest happenings in the tech world and writes stories about those. He likes to play around with the latest gadgets and shares his views through articles. In his free time, you can find him watching movies/TV shows and/or reading books.View Author posts
