Aadhaar Card is a mandatory identity proof given to the residents of India. The Aadhaar Card allocating body, UIDAI, initially introduced paper cards to be used as Aadhaar. However, these were very fragile and many users had to reobtain the card after damaging it because of the paper. Now, UIDAI has introduced polyvinyl chloride PVC Aadhaar card that is not only durable but also easy to carry.
PVC Aadhaar card can easily be ordered through the UIDAI website, all you need is your registered mobile number, Aadhaar Number, Virtual ID, or Enrollment ID. You will have to pay Rs. 50 to get this card delivered at your home.
Also, read | New mAadhaar App Offers All Services Related to Aadhaar Card; Details Here
Find here, how to apply for PVC Aadhaar Card for you and your family.
Apply for PVC Aadhaar Card
1] Visit the official UIDAI website i.e. https://uidai.gov.in/
2] Find and click ‘Order Aadhaar PVC Card‘.
3] Now enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number or Virtual ID or EID to proceed. You will enter a security code or captcha.
4] Click on Send OTP to get an OTP. If your mobile is not registered then click ‘My mobile is not registered’.
Note: UIDAI has also started a new service in which you can order PVC cards for the whole family with just one mobile number, whether it’s registered or not.
5] Verify the OTP and you will see a preview of your PVC Card.
6] After confirming, click on Make Payment and head to the payments tab, and pay the fee online.
7] That’s it. You will get PVC Aadhaar Card at your doorstep within 5 days.
The PVC Aadhaar Card consists of all the important details from the Aadhaar card including the Aadhaar No., and an encrypted QR Code that has all the details of your Aadhaar data.
This is how you can get PVC Aadhaar Card for you and your family. For more such tips and tricks, stay tuned with Gadgets To Use.