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Maxx Mobile launches Smart Charger with 2600 mAh Battery Strength

When it comes to Android devices then I personally that in most of the cases a user will have to carry an extra battery when they are out of the charging contact for long period and moreover it feels irritating when are always supposed to carry a charger in that case but as we provided you the giveaway accessory which would help you to charge you smartphone anywhere anytime.


What you need to do is to carry that portable battery along with the USB chord which will actually charge the smartphone. Today we will be talking about a similar device which has been released by Maxx which has been named as ‘Smart Charger’ and it has got the capacity of 2600 mAh which can easily charge the phones like which have less battery strength than 2600 mAh, adding to this feature it has been powered by Samsung SDI.


Basically you can keep Samsung Galaxy S4 out of this accessory (as it cannot be FULLY charged and impartial charging of the device causes battery hampering).The best part with this accessory is the 1Year Full Replacement warranty that comes along with this. It will also have an indicator which will show the amount of charge being held by this device you can get this charged once and it will be able to hold the charge for around 90 days since then and but I will recommend not to test that as it really spoils the battery life of any device.


As you plug in your device with this portable power supply the indicator LEDs will start switching off telling you that the power is being depleted from the source and it will be able to charge any device provided, you are carry the right chord for the device. It is available at the price of 1,499 INR (which is decent) at all the leading stores in India.

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Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh, a software engineer who is very much interested in social engineering. He is responsible to manage all the social media profiles of Gadgets To Use. He also has a hobby of tracking new apps and gadgets and to share them with our readers as well.View Author posts
