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Kindle Unlimited Launched In India For 199 INR Monthly Subscription

Kindle Unlimited Launched In India For 199 INR Monthly Subscription

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There is good news for all avid readers, who prefer digital route. Amazon Kindle unlimited is now available in India and you can subscribe for a monthly fee of 199 INR. A subscription will entitle to unlimited reading content (1 Million titles) spread across genres of literature, fiction, health, productivity, business and economics, biographies, children books, etc.


For the first month, Amazon is offering monthly subscription for just 99 INR. This offer will be valid only till 30th September. You can also save money by opting for 6 month and yearly subscriptions, which will cost you 999 INR and 1799 INR respectively. All subscription plans include bonus access to books that are 100 pages or less.

“With Kindle Unlimited, we’re making reading more accessible than ever. For less than the average price of one hardcover bestseller, we’ve made the best digital library in the world available to every corner of India. Whether you like thrillers, romance novels, Sci-Fi or children’s books, with Kindle Unlimited everyone will have the chance to discover not only well-established but also new authors of every genre,” said Sanjeev Jha, Director, Kindle Content, in a company statement.

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All content can be read on Kindle App (available on all major platforms) and on Kindle readers. Since most books cost more than 99 INR, interested readers can sign-up for the introductory offer and decide for themselves.

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Our Little Story and its youtube channel was founded in year 2012 by Abhishek Bhatnagar.

Abhishek Bhatnagar is a popular technology blogger & Tech YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, he works as the Editor-in-Chief at Gadgets To Use. He runs several other technology websites as well.