The Blu Life Mark is a budget smartphone launched for a price at INR 8,999. The phone features a fingerprint sensor and a good display with decent design and built. It features a 13 MP rear camera with a 5 MP selfie shooter, which is good for a phone of this range. In this article we will be testing the camera capabilities and will find out if it is worth the price.
Blu Life Mark Coverage
Blu Life Mark With Fingerprint Sensor Launched At INR 8,999
Blue Life Mark FAQ, Pros, Cons, User Queries and Answers
Blu Life Mark Unboxing, Quick Review, Gaming and Benchmarks
Blu Life Mark Camera Review, Photo Samples
Blu Life Mark Camera Software
The camera software is laid out pretty simply, the interface looks pretty easy and handy for photography. The camera shutter button and the video toggle are on the right hand side. The viewfinder stretches over the screen with the different modes on right and the flash, HDR, front/rear camera toggle on top.
It does not offer a lot of camera modes but still it’s better than having loads of useless camera modes just to make camera UI look interesting.
Camera Modes
The Blu Life Mark does not have a lot of modes to play with but the existing modes include HDR, Live picture, Panorama, Magic Focus, Filter, and motion track. It also offers scene modes for different conditions and surroundings but it lacks some must have modes like ‘manual’ which are common in cameras these days.
HDR Sample
Panorama Sample
Low Light Sample
Macro Sample
Blu Life Mark Camera Samples
We tested out the device using various camera modes and lighting conditions. We’ve categorized the samples into various categories below, you can have a look at the results.
Front Camera Samples
In natural lighting condition and indoor lighting conditions, the pictures came out to be fair almost always, decent amount of details and colours. Overall, using the front camera of the device was a satisfactory experience looking at the price.
Rear Camera Samples
The rear camera of the device performs quite well. The only issue with the camera is focusing and low details in low light pictures, which is a very common issue with most of the smartphone cameras. The pictures came out decent overall, in all the lighting conditions mentioned below except the low light.
Artificial Light
In artificial lighting, the camera was performing pretty well. The shutter speed did not slow down or over exposed the lights, colours were looking close to natural and we did not face any issues problem while clicking pictures.
Natural Light
The natural lighting shots with the Blu Life Mark were really good. Colour production was good, details were finely captured and there was no sign of any light or colour related issues. We are satisfied with the type of natural light performance it offers.
Low Light
In low lighting conditions, the camera was feeling slow and sluggish. A lot of visible noise in the picture was ruining the quality. While clicking the pictures using flash, the picture was washed out or over exposed in multiple cases when the object was kept close to the camera.
Blu Life Mark Camera Verdict
Overall the camera on the Blu Life Mark is decent looking at the price. Blu is not known to create phones outstanding camera but the Life Mark does a decent job in good light. The camera software is average, and the details and colours look good when there is enough light. In my opinion, I’d not rate the camera of the device to be above average in comparison with its competitions, but reasonable for the price.