Realme also launched the Realme Band in India along with the Realme 6 series smartphones. The company’s first fitness band comes with features like a 0.96-inch LCD color display, heart rate sensor, 9 sports modes that include running, walking, hiking, yoga, cricket, etc., sleep tracking, built-in charging port, and IP68 ratings for water resistance.
Realme Band Specs
The Realme Band sports a 0.96-inch (160×80 pixels) LCD color display with a single button on the bottom to use all functions. It has several customizable clock faces. The band is also water and dust resistant with an IP68 rating (up to 1.5 meters).
The fitness band supports Bluetooth 4.2 LE for connectivity and is compatible with Android 5.0 or later. You can connect it to your phone via Realme Link app. You can also check call and message notifications on the screen.
It has a PPG heart rate sensor, 3 axis accelerometer, and a sleep tracker. The band has 9 fitness modes and can also store 3 modes at a time. It also comes with a sedentary reminder.
The Realme Band has a 90mAh battery that can be charged via a built-in USB connector. The band offers 6 to 9 days (9 days without heart rate feature enabled) battery life.
Dimensions of the band are 19.6×11.9x240mm and its weight is just 20g. The band’s straps come in Black, Green and Yellow colors.
Price, Availability
The Realme Band price in India is set at Rs. 1,499 and it will be available on from March 9.