WhatsApp has recently been adding more and more useful features by users such as message reactions, file sharing up to 2GB, support for 512 member groups, etc. Now the messaging platform has come up with another very handy feature for those who love to set WhatsApp status. With this new update, WhatsApp users will be able to set their voice notes as status. So, let’s know how to set WhatsApp voice status.
Set WhatsApp Voice Status
WhatsApp is bringing audio notes for the status feature and it is already in a beta version. As per WABetaInfo, WhatsApp for Android version will add the feature of status updates by voice notes. You will have to follow the below-mentioned steps to do so:
1. Open WhatsApp on your phone and tap the status icon to set your WhatsApp status update.
2. Now, you will see a new “mic” icon to add a voice note to your status update (as shown in the screenshot below).
3. Tap on it and start speaking.
4. Once you are done recording the voice, tap on the send button.
That’s it, your voice message will be shared as your WhatsApp status and your friends will be able to check it just like they check your photos and video or text status update. If you don’t want everyone listening to your voice status, you know you can just hide your WhatsApp status from select contacts.
This status will also be end-to-end encrypted just like other videos and photos uploaded to your status. As mentioned above, the “Voice note” WhatsApp status feature is still in beta version, so it is currently uncertain when it will be available for all users and how it will look when you set a voice status.
Alternate Way to Set WhatsApp Voice Status
Since WhatsApp does not recognize audio files when you are setting a status, you can set a WhatsApp voice status only via creating a video file with just your voice. You can do so by using some apps like VideoShow. Download the app and convert your video file to audio. For more details, you can check ways to extract audio from video on Android and iPhone. After that, change back that audio file to create a new video with just the voice, and this way you can set a voice status of your own.
It seems like a bit of a process for just a nifty feature, but you can do so easily using the right app. Moreover, if you want to add more fun to your status, you can even set a blank status on WhatsApp.
Apart from this, WhatsApp is also adding something new to its reactions feature. From now on, you will be able to reply to a message with any emoji. You will now see a (+) button when you long-tap a message to react to it. Tapping on it will allow you to choose any emoji to use. For more latest WhatsApp updates, stay tuned with us!
Also, read:
- 5 Ways to Download, Convert WhatsApp Video Status to MP3 Audio.
- 4 Ways to Put Instagram Reels As WhatsApp Status Without Link
- How To Add Background Music To WhatsApp Status.
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