Sony India has launched Sony XSP-N1BT, a smartphone cradle receiver priced at 12,990 INR. The Accessory will connect to your car speakers via Bluetooth and allows you to use your smartphone as a stereo carefully mounted on the dashboard. Sony XSP-N1BT, however, does much more than streaming music.
When you connect your Smartphone with Sony XSP-N1BT, it will change the native user interface, the new one being called App Remote 2. App Remote 2 is Simpler in appearance and offers voice controls, a much needed privilege while driving.
The system can read out loud your emails and notifications. You can talk and compose your messages and use voice commands for things like mapping information and making calls. The cradle can conviniently connect to your smartphone using Bluetooth, USB or NFC (one simple touch).
The XSP-N1BT is not exclusive for Sony Xperia Phones. You can connect different brand Android and iPhone with XSP-N1BT which also works as a standalone car radio with CD, USB and tuner functions, even without a smartphone.
Other features include Advanced Sound Engine that enables users to freely make adjustments to the sound environment and 1.5A current charging capability. The new XSP-N1BT Smartphone Cradle Receiver from Sony is available across all car accessories shops and major car showrooms in India for 12,990 INR.