Xiaomi today unveiled the new Redmi Note 4X, shortly after launching the Redmi Note 4 in India recently. Xiaomi has partnered with a Japanese company to launch a new Hatsune Miku Limited Edition device keeping Valentine’s Day in mind. The new Redmi Note 4X comes with a 5.5 inch full HD display and runs on the same Snapdragon 625 SoC that we saw in the Indian variant of the Redmi Note 4.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Specifications
The Redmi Note 4X features a 5.5 inch full HD display with a 2.5D curved glass. The phone still runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow with MIUI 8 on top.
The recently launched Redmi Note 4 in India comes with a Snapdragon 625 SoC. We see the same SoC being used in the Redmi Note 4X as well. It is worth noting that the Chinese variant of the Redmi Note 4 used a Mediatek Helio X20 processor. The phone also features 4GB RAM and 64GB eMMC 5.0 internal storage with support for microSD cards up to 128GB.
In other areas, the Redmi Note 4X comes with a 13 MP camera on the back. The rear camera features an f/2.0 aperture, Phase Detection Autofocus and a dual LED flash. On the front, you get a 5 MP camera with f/2.0 aperture and an 85 degree wide angle lens.
Other features include a Fingerprint sensor and an Infrared sensor. Connectivity options include Dual SIM, 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1 and GPS. The phone is powered by a 4100 mAh battery.
Pricing And Availability
Making the announcement on its official forums, Xiaomi revealed that the Hatsune Miku Limited Edition will be available in five different colours – Green, Gold, Grey, Pink and Black.
As far as China is concerned, the Redmi Note 4X with Snapdragon 625 SoC is an upgrade. News about the Indian variant of the Redmi Note 4X is not known yet, but we will update you as soon as we know more.
Exact pricing details are not known yet. The phone will go on sale on February 14th in China.