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7 Ways to Check and Remove Shadowban on Your Twitter Account

7 Ways to Check and Remove Shadowban on Your Twitter Account

Quick Answer

  • Enter your Twitter username in the search bar and click on the Check button to test your account for an active shadowban.
  • Shadowbanning on Twitter is an act of limiting and restricting the visibility of your tweets or account due to some breach of the community guidelines or user policies.
  • If you can’t find your tweets, replies, or profile account in the search results, you are most likely to have an active shadowban.

Are you observing a sudden drop in your tweet’s engagement? Is it getting fewer likes, comments, and retweets than usual? It might be due to an active shadowban on your Twitter account. We have discussed ways to check and remove Shadowban from your Twitter account in this read. Meanwhile, you can also learn to fix can’t see who liked your Tweet.


What is a Shadowban on Twitter?

Shadowbanning on Twitter is an act of limiting and restricting the visibility of your tweets or account due to some breach of the community guidelines or user policies. In most cases, the user is not notified of an active shadowban but remains completely invisible to others.

An active shadowban can cause the following changes to your Twitter account:

  • Your tweets or the entire profile remain invisible to everyone, including your followers. They won’t be able to view your posts when searched in the search bar.
  • Your replies to someone else’s tweet stay invisible and are not displayed below the corresponding tweets.
  • All notifications of your actions on Twitter shall remain suppressed, i.e., your followers will not receive any alerts for your likes, posts, or retweets.

With that being said, let’s look at the three types of common shadowbans faced by users on Twitter.

  • Thread Shadowban: This kind of shadowban limits the visibility of your comments on Twitter threads/tweets.
  • Profile Shadowban: This shadowban restricts your profile visibility on Twitter and prevents other users from finding your profile by searching.
  • Full-Search Shadowban: This type of shadowban blocks you entirely, and you shall remain invisible to everyone on the platform.

Reasons Behind Your Shadowbanned Twitter Account

While there could be several possible explanations behind an active shadowban on your Twitter account, some of the prominent ones are as follows:

  • You’ve been tweeting too frequently, which made the Twitter algorithm consider you a bot.
  • You might have been using trending hashtags on your unrelated posts to increase your post engagement.
  • Your tweets might have exhibited spam behavior if you post tweets based on promotions or sales too often.
  • You might have been involved in growing your followers inorganically by repeatedly following and unfollowing them.
  • If your Twitter account does not have a confirmed email address.
  • There’s no profile picture on your Twitter account.
  • You try to sign up for multiple accounts simultaneously.
  • Unnatural Follower and Following ratio.
  • Any behavior that indicates a coordinated attack.

How to Check Shadowban on Your Twitter Account

If you suspect that you might have been shadowbanned on Twitter, you can verify it by checking these three effective methods.

Online Tools to Check if Twitter Account is Shadowbanned

One of the easiest ways to check if your Twitter account is shadow banned or not is to use some free third-party tools. One such tool is Yuzurisa. Here’s how to use it.

1. Open a new tab in your web browser and access the Shadowban Test website.

2. Enter your Twitter username in the search bar and click on the Check button to test your account for an active shadowban.

Check Twitter Shadowban

3. Wait for a few seconds to check the results. If you find an active shadowban here, you can expand the corresponding ban to know more details about it.

Go Incognito and Search for Your Profile on Twitter

Another interesting method to check and determine an active shadowban on your Twitter account is through incognito browsing.

1. Open the incognito mode on your web browser. In the case of Google Chrome, you can launch it instantly by pressing the Ctrl+Shift+N hotkey.

2. Access the Twitter search page and type your username in the search bar. Hit the enter key to generate the search results.

Check Twitter Shadowban

3. If you can’t find your tweets, replies, or profile account in the search results, you are most likely to have an active shadowban.

Check Your Tweet Engagement for a Sudden Drop

Another easy method to verify the presence of a shadowban on your Twitter account is by checking the tweet engagement. If you’re an influencer and have an active shadowban, you will notice a significant decrease in your tweet’s engagement.

You can check this by following these simple steps.

1. Open your Twitter profile and locate your recent tweet. Tap on the Analytics icon to view post impressions, engagements, and interactions.

2. Compare the analytics with other recent posts to notice any sudden drop in tweet interactions.

Check Twitter Shadowban

How to Reduce or Remove Twitter Shadowban

Now that you’ve successfully detected the presence of an active shadowban on your Twitter account, here’s how you can remove or reduce its impact.

Take a Break from Twitter & Avoid Tweeting

The simplest and most effective method to remove shadowban from your account is to take a break from Twitter and avoid posting any new tweets for some time. Any new tweet in this period is likely to contribute to an increased duration of shadowban. You need to lay low for at least 72 hours to remove any active ban on your profile.

Remove existing Irrelevant Tweets and Comments

To avoid shadowban on your account in the future, you need to review and remove all existing irrelevant comments and tweets that might have contributed to spam. Additionally, you should delete all such replies to posts that might look inappropriate such as promotional/sales, irrelevant advertisements, trolling, etc.

Avoid Creating a new Twitter Account and Update Existing Account

Creating a new Twitter account during the shadowban period is most likely to be a bad idea as it might result in a complete ban of both Twitter accounts. However, you can reduce the impact of the active ban by updating your profile picture and details with real data instead of a promotional or fake one.

Reach out to the Twitter Support Team

If you believe that you’ve been mistakenly marked for a shadowban or it hasn’t been lifted after 72 hours, then you should contact the Twitter support team for a resolution.

FAQs Around Shadowbanning on Twitter

Q: How Long Does Shadowban Last on Twitter?

A: In most cases, a Twitter shadowban lasts for at least 72 hours. However, repeated violations during the shadowban period might extend its duration.

Q: How Do I Check if I’ve Been Shadowbanned on Twitter?

A: You can test and verify the presence of an active shadowban with the help of the above-mentioned methods.

Q: Why Is No One Seeing My Tweets?

A: It might be due to an active shadowban on your Twitter account. You can reduce its impact by following the methods listed above.

Q: How Do I Get Rid of Shadowban on My Twitter Account?

A: While there’s no official way to get rid of the shadowban, you can try to limit and restrict your Twitter usage for some time.

Q: Why Is Twitter Not Showing All of Your Posts?

A: It might be due to a possible technical glitch or an active shadowban present on your Twitter account.

Q. Why Do I Keep Getting Shadowbanned on Twitter?

A: Repetitive community violations such as spam, promotional replies, trolling, or frequent tweeting can lead you to shadowbanning. You should take special care to avoid it as much as possible, especially during the shadowban period.

Wrapping Up: Keep Those Tweets Flowing

So, that’s all about the shadowban on Twitter and ways to check and reduce it. If this quick read has helped you fix and restore your Tweet engagement, then hit the Like button and share this read among your friends to make them aware of it. Stay tuned for more informative guides.

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Our Little Story and its youtube channel was founded in year 2012 by Abhishek Bhatnagar.

Abhishek Bhatnagar is a popular technology blogger & Tech YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, he works as the Editor-in-Chief at Gadgets To Use. He runs several other technology websites as well.